‘Sangram’ staged at Biju Natya Kendra in Bhubaneswar


Bhubaneswar: Considering them cutting their teeth on theatre, their performance could not be any better. They were the students of 25th batch of Satabdira Kalakar, a Bhubaneswar based theatre organisation, who staged ‘Sangram’ at Biju Natya Kendra, Nayapally, Bhubaneswar on December 27.

As the title suggests, the play revolves around Satyanarayan, the protagonist of the play, who launches a ‘sangram’ to ensure the victory of truth.

Satyanarayan makes it a point of his life to ensure how justice be delivered to the oppressed and suppressed ones in the society. This ruffles the feathers of some local politicians and corrupt police officials.

Implicating him in a case, the police arrest him and put him behind bars. A journalist who is completely in thrall to these corrupt leaders too project him as a criminal in his news.
Upon releasing on bail, Satyanarayan meets the journalist and reminds him of his noble profession. Few days later, the journalist is found murdered and police arrest Satyanarayan assuming him to be the murderer of the journalist.

While hearing the case, the court directs Satyanarayan to be kept in jail till the real culprit is not arrested.

Satyanarayan can do nothing but oppose the direction of the court.

That all the artistes were trying their level best to give justice to their characters was evident all throughout the play making it an engaging one.
The play was written by Dhira Mallick, who is also the general secretary of Satabdira Kalakar and directed by Alok Agnibesh.
By kalasanskruti
Photo courtesy: Satabdira Kalakar