
BHUBANESWAR: The play ‘VAISHNAVA JANA TO’ is a humble attempt of young writer and director Atish Kumar Satpathy to put his points across that the principles of Mahatma Gandhi is still holding ground.
Artistes of Adrushya Natya Aashram staged the play at Rabindra Mandap March 9 under Natyadhara series.
A retired nonagenarian teacher lives with the principles of Mahatma Gandhi. His grandson Raja, a college student, believes in violence. The elderly man takes a vow to bring about a change in Raja. The director has to be thanked for being able to build up the suspense till end. Audience were seen hooked to their seats till last scene only to see the protagonist to come out as a winner.
Narendra Kumar Behera and Subham Meher need special mention for doing justice to their characters the grandfather and grandson respectively. Girija Shankar Mishra’s music and Plaban Mishra’s lights were just excellent.
This was for the sixth time Adrushya Natya Aashram staged the play.
By Kalasanskruti